Pinellas County Divorce Mediation
Mediation in regards to Family Law simply means that both spouses are seeking an alternative outcome, other than going to trial to resolve their differences. Each party is willing and wanting to avoid a court battle, while still remaining completely honest and not with-holding anything. If you are involved in a divorce mediation, you and your spouse will work together in a non-volatile atmosphere, with your Divorce Attorney, who will remain totally unbiased throughout. The mediator will balance need with want, and come up with the most favorable outcome, pleasing both parties. They will make sure all court filing are done correctly and in a timely manner.
The result of this will be a legal separation or divorce. Our divorce mediation lawyers are sought after and fully trained and up to date with the proper guidelines for being a divorce mediator. We refer one of the top in mediators in Pinellas County who's specialty is a trained divorce mediator.
What will a divorce mediator do for you and how will you benefit? When two spouses can work together peacefully to both come to a mutually appealing conclusion, it is generally the most favorable way to go. Not only is the cost of an Attorney for both parties greatly diminished, both parties work together for a less stressful experience when trying to reach a conclusion in areas such as child custody, finances, asset distribution, alimony and other tense and important topics.
A divorce mediator is not just hired for you and your spouse to have an easier time of a separation, they are also there for the children involved. When a divorce is handled amicably and with respect toward each party, children see, hear, and feel at ease with which it is handled. A long drawn out court battle can be harder on a child than an adult in many cases. Divorce mediation is also the way to go when your divorce will include details about high profiting business's or investments. Divorce mediation enables you to keep your affairs private and reach an agreement in the shortest time possible.
Call anytime to schedule an appointment with a divorce mediator.